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[188金宝博公司 ] TI TIDA-01375汽车日灯(DRL)和位置灯参考设计

关键词:汽车电子 汽车照明 LED TIDA-01375

时间:2018-02-13 10:06:39       作者:TI       来源:m.188betcom手机版


This reference design details a solution for an automotive daytime running light (DRL) and position light. The TPS92830-Q1 linear LED controller used in this design is directly supplied from the automotive battery, allowing you to use the same LEDs for both functions. This reference design also features good EMC performance, full protection and diagnostics.

Automotive DRLs and position lights often reuse the same LEDs with two levels of brightness. Thisreference design offers a dual-brightness solution for DRL and position light reuse applications using theintegrated pulse-width modulation (PWM) generator of the TPS92830-Q1 controller. Using linear devices,this design has a satisfactory EMC performance that meets CISPR 25 Class-5 conducted emission andradiated emission standards and passes the ISO11452-4 bulk current injection (BCI) test.


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