关键词:Arm Cortex-M3 MCU 蓝牙5 Bluetooth 5 SoC SIP On Semi
时间:2021-04-27 16:21:05 来源:m.188betcom手机版
On Semi公司的RSL10 SIP是蓝牙5系统级封装(SIP),在单封装内提供了板内天线,RSL10无线电SoC以及所有必须的所有无源元件,以最小化整个系统的尺寸.器件具有完整的解决方案,提供了在无线应用中集成业界最低功耗的蓝牙低功耗技术的最方便方法.器件完全满足FCC, CE, IC, MIC, KCC和其它规范标准如蓝牙5,QDID和Declaration ID. RSL10 SIP集成了Arm Cortex−M3 MCU,工作频率高达48MHz,其工作电压为1.1-3.3V,有384kB闪存,76kB程序存储器和88kB数据存储器,蓝牙低功耗模式1Mbps时的Rx灵敏度为-93dB,发送功率从-17到0dBm,通信距离高达100米.主要用在手提式低占空比物联网(IoT)应用包括接入监视和安全.本文介绍了RSL10 SIP主要特性和完整特性,以及基于RSL10 SIP和ARX3A0 CMOS图像传感器的RSL10智能照相机SECO−RSL10−CAM−GEVB主要特性,系统架构图和主要元件分布图,电路图和材料清单.
RSL10 System−In−Package (RSL10 SIP) is a complete solutionthat provides the easiest way to integrate the industrys lowest powerBluetooth low energy technology into a wireless application.
The RSL10 SIP features an on−board antenna, RSL10 radio SoC,and all necessary passive components in one package to help minimizeoverall system size. Already fully qualified to FCC, CE, and otherregulatory standards; RSL10 SIP removes the need for additionalantenna design considerations or RF certifications。
RSL10 SIP主要特性:
• Fully Certified:
♦ Bluetooth 5
♦ Declaration ID