主题:利用CEVA的先进DSP架构和解决方案推动您的通信与多媒体应用 | ||
在线问答: | ||
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到CEVA公司的专家就“利用CEVA的先进DSP架构和解决方案推动您的通信与多媒体应用”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与CEVA公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“利用CEVA的先进DSP架构和解决方案推动您的通信与多媒体应用”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。 | [2007-11-12 10:02:54] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。 | [2007-11-12 10:36:08] |
[问:luzhen2001] | 对手机的multimedia性能有何进一步的提升? | |
[答:kai] | CEVAX1620具有针对多媒体处理的特殊指令,以及SIMD的支持。除了处理能力之外,还有特别针对视频传输的DMA的支持。如果希望了解更多,可以和hukai@ceva-dsp.com会后交流 | [2007-11-12 10:40:56] |
[问:smith112] | 购买CEVA-X1620内核,CEVA能提供什么样的技术支持和售后服务? | |
[答:kai] | ceva将会提供全面的支持,比如正式的培训,使用过程中技术的支持。具体的请联系CEVA北京或者上海的支持工程师。 hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 10:44:07] |
[问:fanghw] | 请问目前市面上利用CEVA的先进DSP架构的典型的DSP处理器产品有哪些? | |
[答:gweltaz] | CEVA DSP architectures are used by numerous leading semicondoncuor companies (such as Infineon, Broadcom, NXP, Samsung, Marvell, Spreadtrum, etc.). Our DSPs are typically used to implement communication and multimedia tasks in a broad variety of applications including mobile phones (2.5G/3G with or without multimedia), set-top-boxes, DVD players/recorders, PMP, video surveillance, etc. | [2007-11-12 10:44:44] |
[问:npu_xubin] | 你们的产品是专为DSP提供的,还是有fpga和ASIC的core? | |
[答:kai] | ceva提供的是DSP的IP,包括软核,硬核。 我们提供基于FPGA的验证和开发平台。 | [2007-11-12 10:45:28] |
[问:sdtv1970] | CEVA的DSP架构在串行连接 SCSI 中应用情况如何? | |
[答:gweltaz] | SCSI does not specifically require a DSP. Howver, CEVA offers a PHY and Protocol solution for SAS (Serial Attached SCSI). The protocol includes software that could be implemented on Ceva"s DSP or any other processors. | [2007-11-12 10:46:26] |
[问:liguang169] | DSP一般通过哪些软件进行编程?CEVA是否提供专用的软件进行编程? | |
[答:kai] | CEVA自己提供业界最好的针对自己DSP的软件开发工具。如果有项目需要,我们可以提供30天的免费评估试用。具体请联系 hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 10:46:49] |
[问:spirithello] | CEVA-X1620架构采用VLIW 和SIMD的混合架构,请问这样的混合架构,有什么好处? | |
[答:kai] | 简单的说,vliw可以提高指令级并行,1620本身单周期可以支持8条指令并发。SIMD是提高数据级并发。 | [2007-11-12 10:50:19] |
[问:fanghw] | 贵公司在中国大陆有没有办事处?联系方式? | |
[答:kai] | CEVA在上海有办事处,联系方式是hukai@ceva-dsp.com. 联系电话:13818674796. 联系人:胡凯 | [2007-11-12 10:51:19] |
[问:jackfjg] | 不知道贵司有没有在PMP方面的解决方案呢?是那款DSP芯片呢?有没有相关的技术资料?谢谢! | |
[答:kai] | CEVA的MM2000是针对PMP的一个完全解决方案。 使用的是CEVAX1620DSP,关于进一步详细的资料,我们需要签署NDA。 联系方式:hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 10:53:17] |
[问:越客] | 要把CEVA-X1641移植到FPGA,对FPGA有些什么要求?能否介绍一下移植流程? | |
[答:kai] | CEVA会提供给我们的授权客户完整的FPGA实现流程。 具体的细节,需要签署NDA后讨论。谢谢。 | [2007-11-12 10:54:51] |
[问:npu_xubin] | 光网络方面的产品有什么样的core? | |
[答:gweltaz] | CEVA is offering a compete voice solution called CEVA-VoP which is well suited for PON applications. The CEVA-VoP solution is based on the popular CEVA-TeakLite-II DSP and includes all voice, telephony and networking software required for a variety of Voice-over-Network solutions. | [2007-11-12 10:57:23] |
[问:zhz-141] | CEVA的DSP架构在工业行业中的抗干扰性能如何? | |
[答:kai] | 非常好,有很多军事应用。 | [2007-11-12 10:58:22] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。 | [2007-11-12 10:58:41] |
[问:zhz-141] | CEVA的DSP架构和解决方案最高传输速率是多少,有没有单双向之分 | |
[答:kai] | 不太明白你的问题,能解释一下么? | [2007-11-12 10:58:50] |
[问:phoenixmy] | 能否介绍BDTI对CEVA-X1620?和CEVA-X1622的评估? | |
[答:gweltaz] | According to BDTI and all other competent DSP experts, the CEVA-X1620 is industry"s fastest licensable dual-MAC DSP. The CEVA-X1622 includes similar computation units than CEVA-X1620 and would therefore have similar BDTI scores. | [2007-11-12 10:59:55] |
[问:sduboy] | 请问在开发中如何进行调试及优化? | |
[答:kai] | CEVA提供完整的开发工具链,集成的开发环境以及调试器。 另外CEVA提供profiler来帮助开发人员了解系统的瓶颈,指导优化的进行。并且CEVA提供30天的免费试用, 具体请联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:01:32] |
[问:xzyang] | 在西安申请30天的免费评估试用,和那里联系?你们在西安有没有办事处或其他联系机构。 | |
[答:kai] | 请联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:01:59] |
[问:jackfjg] | 有没有针对网络电话机(VIOP)或者是网络摄象机的解决方案呢? | |
[答:kai] | CEVA 有针对VOIP以及网络摄像机的解决方案, 如有项目需求,请联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:03:00] |
[问:johnma] | 和TeakLite-II相比,第三代的TeakLite 架构有些什么改进?在性能和功耗上有什么提高? | |
[答:gweltaz] | The CEVA-TeakLite-III offers more performance than CEVA-Teaklite-II with similar energy-efficiency. The performance gain depends on specific applications, but on average, the CEVA-TeakLite-III provides 2x to 3x more "usefull performance" than the CEVA-Teaklite-II. The CEVA-TeakLite-III and CEVA-Teaklite-II are code compatible, which allows designers who use Teaklite-II easily migrate to Teaklite-III when their application requires more performance. | [2007-11-12 11:05:18] |
[问:jianglei8025] | CEVA-X系列采用哪些语言进行编程,容易上手吗? | |
[答:kai] | CEVAx完全支持ansi-c,上手非常简单。 如果你熟悉TI的开发环境,就会非常容易 | [2007-11-12 11:05:25] |
[问:sduboy] | 如何将DSP内核和其它处理器与外设整合到一起? | |
[答:kai] | 根据我们已有客户比如展讯的经验,非常简单。即插即用。 | [2007-11-12 11:06:15] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。 | [2007-11-12 11:07:59] |
[问:jianglei8025] | 哪些是专门针对3G移动终端设备的平台?市场上有没有成熟的产品? | |
[答:kai] | http://www.ceva-dsp.com/cevapowered/index.php?category=wireless_handsets 这个完全取决于你的软硬件划分。Teaklite和CEVAXDSP都很合适。 | [2007-11-12 11:08:20] |
[问:smith112] | CEVA-X1620 的软核设计,CEVA提供那些设计软件?是否适合CEVA所有的DSP内核? | |
[答:kai] | CEVAXDSP是完全指令兼容的。 | [2007-11-12 11:08:46] |
[问:zhangbtt] | CEVA-X1620能否实现软乘法的运算? | |
[答:kai] | 我们完全支持硬件乘法,软乘法当然也支持。 | [2007-11-12 11:09:15] |
[问:liguang169] | 设计时旧的代码是否需要转换? | |
[答:kai] | 请解释你的问题? | [2007-11-12 11:09:31] |
[问:sduboy] | 请问贵公司的DSP软件开发工具支持什么开发语言? | |
[答:kai] | 支持C/C++语言。具体联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:10:03] |
[问:jianglei8025] | CEVA-X系列可配置的存储容量最大能扩展多大? | |
[答:kai] | 4G bytes | [2007-11-12 11:10:11] |
[问:camel_mb] | 请问CEVA DSP蓝牙方案,我们会先基于此DSP进行产品开发,然后会定制相应DSP芯片,这个过程中,我们都能得到什么帮助?当前有此蓝牙CEVA DSP芯片及开发环境吗? | |
[答:kai] | 简单来说CEVA会帮助你成功设计出芯片。包括软件开发, SOC集成以及开发平台的搭建等等。如您有具体需求,请联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:12:11] |
[问:liguang169] | CEVA提供的DSP的硬件架构是否可以自主配置? | |
[答:gweltaz] | The CEVA-X architecture is a very scalable architecture that will allow CEVA to create a broad variety of DSP cores (e.g. 16-bit or 32-bit, from 4 to 16 computation units including 2 to 16 MAC units) to answer evolving market needs. The CEVA-X architecture also includes efficient interfaces to customer-defined extensions or accelerators (called eHW). | [2007-11-12 11:13:14] |
[问:kdlipm] | CEVA在成本方面有怎样的优势?我主要侧重于VOIP PHONE、ATA、VIDEO PHONE方面的案子。 | |
[答:kai] | 请问你们是做方案还是芯片?CEVA提供的是IP不是芯片。 | [2007-11-12 11:13:41] |
[问:zhangwq] | XS1141支持COMS摄像头? | |
[答:kai] | 当然XS1141提供标准的AHB, APBinterface,客户可以自由集成任何外设比如摄像头 | [2007-11-12 11:14:27] |
[问:zhangbtt] | CEVA的DSP内核中,那款的功耗最低?那款适合MP4或PMP使用? | |
[答:kai] | 你的项目需求是怎么样的,比如视频格式,分辨率等等。 基于你的具体需求,才能推荐合适的DSP。我的联系方式是 hukai@ceva-dsp.com。 | [2007-11-12 11:16:29] |
[问:chenjiu] | TeakLite-II的DSP subsystem 包括那些区块? | |
[答:kai] | you can reach hukai@ceva-dsp.com for this question. | [2007-11-12 11:21:04] |
[问:hiwell] | CEVA-X1620架构有多少IP核?IP核如何得到? | |
[答:kai] | please reach hukai@ceva-dsp.com for this question. | [2007-11-12 11:21:41] |
[问:sboyer] | 请问青岛是否有办事处?是否可以到当地办事处咨询? | |
[答:kai] | not yet, please talk to hukai, his email is hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:22:16] |
[问:wuling] | 可否实现H.264编解码算法?分辨率可以达到什么程度? | |
[答:kai] | 可以,MM2KD1分辨率。 | [2007-11-12 11:23:26] |
[问:wuling] | CEVA的指令集与其他指令集相比有什么优点? | |
[答:gweltaz] | CEVA"s instruction sets are defined through close cooperation between experts of various disciplines including DSP architecture, Compiler technology, Communication algorithms, Voice & Audio algorithms and Video algorithms. Because CEVA has experts in all these areas, they can collaborate and make the best trade-offs to define optimal instruction sets. | [2007-11-12 11:24:18] |
[问:tomyao] | 你们做一个 H.264的解码功耗是多少? | |
[答:kai] | 这要具体的看什么码流,码率,帧率。我们的功耗非常有竞争优势,而且我们是唯一芯片验证过的IP解决方案。具体可以联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:24:48] |
[问:hiwell] | DSP内核如何移植到FPGA?它会占用多少资源? | |
[答:kai] | 我们会提供实现的所有脚本。资源的占用取决于你想达到什么样的性能。 | [2007-11-12 11:25:30] |
[问:xiaoxiongminmin] | 第三代TeakLite 架构可以采用什么样的工艺技术实现? | |
[答:kai] | 完全不受工艺限制。18,13.90,65,45都可以。 我们有客户用65实现。 | [2007-11-12 11:26:05] |
[问:xiong123] | CEVA提供那些硬件开发工具和软件开发工具? | |
[答:kai] | 这个问题可以直接联系,hukai@ceva-dsp.com. 基本来说,硬件开发板提供基于FPGA的或者基于芯片的。 软件开发工具包括IDE,compiler, linker, assembler, debugger | [2007-11-12 11:28:16] |
[问:tomatogg] | 请推荐一款做短距离无线通信的dsp芯片 | |
[答:kai] | 请问您需要的是IP还是芯片了?我们是IP供应商。 | [2007-11-12 11:28:49] |
[问:jackfjg] | 在网络摄象机方面的应用可以达到多大的性能呢? | |
[答:kai] | 264 D1 encoding. | [2007-11-12 11:29:05] |
[问:liguang169] | CEVA的开发工具是否支持Linux操作系统上? | |
[答:kai] | 可以 | [2007-11-12 11:29:13] |
[问:cczbb] | 在吉林地区想得到更多的资料与哪里联系? | |
[答:kai] | hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:31:37] |
[问:b03212316] | 使用CEVA DSP内核怎样更好的控制系统功耗呢? | |
[答:gweltaz] | For the last 15 years, CEVA has worked with leading wireless and multimedia chipset vendors, and we have accumulated a lot of expereince and expertise in creating lower power DSP cores. Low power consumption is achieved through various means including optimized DSP architecture, efficient instruction set, advanced power management techniques, and good understanding of the constraints imposed by deep-submicron fab processes (90nm, 65nm, 45nm). | [2007-11-12 11:31:54] |
[问:jackfjg] | 不知道在那里可以拿到参考设计的资料呢? | |
[答:kai] | hukai@ceva-dsp.com 不过先要签署NDA | [2007-11-12 11:32:11] |
[问:camel_mb] | 目前是否蓝牙方案的芯片开发板可供使用,为了在此开发板上实现蓝牙功能,比如说蓝牙耳机,软件上还需要实现哪些功能?定制芯片完成后的芯片成本如何? | |
[答:kai] | 请联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com。针对蓝牙耳机的应用,CEVA能提供完全参考方案。芯片的成本肯定低于CSR的 | [2007-11-12 11:34:17] |
[问:越客] | CEVA-X1641是否可以移值到Altera或Xilinx的FPGA?那种FPGA较为合适或容易操作? | |
[答:gweltaz] | All CEVA DSP cores, including CEVA-X1641, can be implemented on any kind of FPGAs. We do recommend any specific FPGA vendors, as our customers are using Altera or Xilinx without problems. | [2007-11-12 11:34:45] |
[问:xpfang] | 利用CEVA的先进DSP架构和解决方案将会对通信和多媒体应用产生哪些实质性的改进. | |
[答:kai] | CEVAX是针对多媒体和通讯融合设计的非常好的DSP ,广泛应用于3G手机。具体可以联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:35:46] |
[问:qxqsz] | 如果就单独的语音蓝牙方面(如蓝牙耳机和DEXT),有没有底成本的解决方案? | |
[答:kai] | yes,please contact hukai@ceva-dsp.com for details. | [2007-11-12 11:37:01] |
[问:wyan] | 请问有没有可以实现多路混音的DSP方案。 | |
[答:kai] | yes, we can. please contact hukai@ceva-dsp.com for details. | [2007-11-12 11:38:17] |
[问:zhz-141] | CEVA的DSP架构和解决方案在工业应用中的抗干扰能力如何? | |
[答:kai] | our DSP self is very good ,however this ismore related with your chip and system design. | [2007-11-12 11:39:07] |
[问:hongtianyi] | CEVA的dsp结构性能上相对比其他厂家来说有什么特点,比较适合于哪方面的应用 | |
[答:kai] | CEVA是世界排名一的DSP授权商。我们的客户包括broadcom,infineon, marvell, ST, sony, fujisu, renesas and so on.所有需要进行数字信号处理的应用,都是我们针对的应用比如通讯,多媒体,智能识别等等。 | [2007-11-12 11:41:22] |
[问:zhangwq] | xs1141可以用在VOIP项目上吗?如做项目会开放什么资源? | |
[答:kai] | 我们是IP供应商,不知道你是做芯片的还是系统了? | [2007-11-12 11:41:52] |
[问:cczbb] | CEVA-X1620架构的应用优势在哪里? | |
[答:kai] | 小面积,低功耗,高性能。并且完全可编程,非常灵活。 | [2007-11-12 11:42:19] |
[问:zhangwq] | 能简单介绍一下你们如何对视频加速处理的方式? | |
[答:kai] | SIMD | [2007-11-12 11:42:32] |
[问:ben_U] | 是否有集成了以太网控制模块的IP? | |
[答:kai] | 有,我们有千兆以太网IP | [2007-11-12 11:42:57] |
[问:wuling] | What kind package of CEVA audio solution? | |
[答:gweltaz] | CEVA offers comprehensive suites of optimized voice and audio codecs (e.g. G.7xx, MP3, AAC+, WMA, Ogg, SBC, AC3, DTS, etc.) for its CEVA-teaklite-II/III and CEVA-X DSP cores. We also offer some audio post-processing algorihtms (e.g. Echo Canceller, Noise Suppressor, Equalizers, Sample Rate Converter). | [2007-11-12 11:43:29] |
[问:cdrom] | 能否更详细地介绍一下整合了蓝牙技术的便携式音频、家庭音频和便携式媒体播放器(PMP),你们的优势在哪? | |
[答:kai] | 首先是通过BluetoothORG的认证。并且客户已经有产品出来。小面积,低功耗。 | [2007-11-12 11:43:44] |
[问:ben_U] | 目前是否有IP Phone方面较成熟的市场应用? | |
[答:kai] | 有,请看http://www.ceva-dsp.com/cevapowered/index.php?category=telecom_networking | [2007-11-12 11:44:00] |
[问:tomyao] | MM2000市场价格如何? | |
[答:gweltaz] | Pricing information is only provided under Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). | [2007-11-12 11:44:22] |
[问:xiaoxiongminmin] | 第三代TeakLite 架构的运算速率可以达到多高?工作电压呢? | |
[答:kai] | 350Mhz under 90G TSMC. | [2007-11-12 11:46:38] |
[问:ben_U] | 现有评估板的FPGA芯片可以提供哪个公司的? | |
[答:kai] | altera and xilinx | [2007-11-12 11:46:55] |
[问:mjs0169] | 可编程DSP用哪种编程语言? | |
[答:kai] | C/C++ or assembler | [2007-11-12 11:47:34] |
[问:cdrom] | 请问CEVA是否有蓝牙音频和数据混合传输方面的解决方案 | |
[答:kai] | 这完全取决于上层的profile | [2007-11-12 11:48:21] |
[问:daniel_sue] | 请列举一下CEAV DSP在蓝牙产品方面的应用,是主要用于回声消除方面的吗? | |
[答:kai] | CEVA provides AEC and NC algorithem | [2007-11-12 11:48:38] |
[问:sduboy] | 请问CEVA公司有哪些典型的DSP子系统和完整的解决方案? | |
[答:kai] | audio ,video ,voip, bluetooth. | [2007-11-12 11:49:13] |
[问:ben_U] | 请问开发后续的技术支持力度怎样? | |
[答:kai] | 3 levels support. level 1: local FAE levle 2: AE level 3: RD directly involved. | [2007-11-12 11:50:06] |
[问:tomyao] | 针对IPTV 你们的方案有何优点? | |
[答:kai] | fully programmable , multistandard supported. low cost | [2007-11-12 11:50:32] |
[问:cdrom] | 请问深圳这边我要联系谁? | |
[答:kai] | hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:50:46] |
[问:cdrom] | 请问一下BluetoothORG应用方面具体功耗? | |
[答:kai] | 请联系hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:51:03] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与CEVA公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请CEVA公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。 | [2007-11-12 11:51:13] |
[问:sboyer] | 请问有没有无线通讯应用案例? | |
[答:kai] | yes, look at http://www.ceva-dsp.com/cevapowered/index.php?category=wireless_handsets CEVA"s DSP is inside a lot of existed mobile phones. | [2007-11-12 11:52:14] |
[问:ben_U] | 从TI的DSP转来使用你们的产品,技术上有哪些需要注意的?或者说你们的DSP核和TI的最大差异是? | |
[答:gweltaz] | Many companies move from TI"s DSP chips to ASIC based on CEVA"s DSP cores. This allows them to integrate more funtions on a single chip and to save the cost, form factor and/or power consumption of their system. The migration is made easier for Software engineers, thanks to the high-performance (equal of higher than TI) of CEVA"s DSPs, and the friendliness and efficiencu of CEVA"s Software Development Tools. | [2007-11-12 11:52:19] |
[问:tomyao] | ceva的dsp 和 TI的比起来你们有那些优势? | |
[答:kai] | architecture level, we are better. and also we are more flexible and can provide a lot of support to customer | [2007-11-12 11:52:53] |
[问:a13579240725] | 请问CAVE公司主要是提供内核技术给其他厂家来制造DSP芯片还是自己也会开发生产出相应产品? | |
[答:kai] | we only license our technology. | [2007-11-12 11:53:43] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 所有问题均已提交给CEVA公司的专家。座谈期间未回答的问题,CEVA公司专家也会逐一回答,并在中电网上公布,请大家注意收看。 | [2007-11-12 11:54:16] |
[问:sboyer] | CEVA的先进DSP架构有什么突出特点呢? | |
[答:kai] | VLIW and SIMD supports | [2007-11-12 11:54:52] |
[问:xzyang] | 请问CEVA的先进DSP架构和解决方案在通讯上都有哪方面的优势,我们主要做微波设备和中频设备的企业。 | |
[答:kai] | can you contact with me for more details talking? hukai@ceva-dsp.com | [2007-11-12 11:58:13] |
[问:sduboy] | 请问贵公司的DSP架构开发平台是什么? | |
[答:kai] | 请解释一下你的问题? | [2007-11-12 11:58:34] |
[问:b03212316] | CEVA的先进DSP的内核较传统dsp主要优势在哪里? 在中国怎样才能获得CEVA DSP内核许可? | |
[答:kai] | please contact hukai@ceva-dsp.com for this info | [2007-11-12 12:00:37] |
[问:zhz-141] | CEVA的DSP架构在工业电子行业中的应用前景如何? | |
[答:kai] | currently looking very good. you can contact with hukai@ceva-dsp.com for more info | [2007-11-12 12:01:16] |
[问:cake_king] | 请问TI编译的C程序如果要移植到DEVA上,工作量有多大? | |
[答:kai] | if it was pure C, very quick. | [2007-11-12 12:01:31] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的CEVA公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的CEVA公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。 | [2007-11-12 12:02:10] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。 | [2007-11-12 12:02:21] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。 | [2007-11-12 12:25:14] |
在 2002 年 11 月,通过合并 DSPG 的 DSP 知识产权授权分部和 Parthus Technologies plc 公司成立了 CEVA 公司。CEVA 在全球有 200 多名员工,在以色列、爱尔兰和英国设有研发机构,并且在整个欧洲、亚洲和美国都设有销售和支持办事处。CEVA 已经在纳斯达克(股票代码 CEVA)和伦敦证券交易所(股票代码 CVA)上市。