主题:全新的高保真度音频放大器系统设计 | ||
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[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位听众(网友),上午好!欢迎参加中电网在线座谈。今天,我们有幸邀请到美国国家半导体公司的专家就“全新的高保真度音频放大器系统设计”举行在线座谈。在座谈中,您可就您关心的问题与美国国家半导体公司的专家在线进行直接、实时的对话交流。中电网衷心希望通过大家的共同努力,不仅能够增进各位听众(网友)对“全新的高保真度音频放大器系统设计”的了解和掌握,而且能够为大家事业的发展带来裨益。 | [2007-11-22 10:05:36] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 我们已经进入问答阶段如果听众想重温演讲或内容可以点击下面“回顾演示”重看演讲。 | [2007-11-22 10:24:08] |
[问:gjg1234567] | 用于教学能否申请2片LM4780集成电路 | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | LM4780 can be used for power amplifier. For samples, pls go to national website for samples apply. or contact our national distribution company. | [2007-11-22 10:26:19] |
[问:pksliuwei] | 音调节器原理! | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Generally , it can be used some operational amplifier circuitry to control on the volume and differeny frequency level. | [2007-11-22 10:28:44] |
[问:daisy.liu] | 直接参照power derate 与ambient temp 曲线来进行热设计有否绝对可靠 | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | yes. it will be stable if follow our specification. | [2007-11-22 10:32:34] |
[问:kennylpq] | 您好,请问如何做到放大器输出驱动几十个欧姆的音频负载。谢谢! | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 较高的压摆率,较高的增益带宽。这些指标能够保证放大器能够输出驱动较大的负载。 | [2007-11-22 10:32:47] |
[问:daisy.liu] | 国半有适合军品应用的音频功率吗?如在军用电台等产品 | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | Can you let us know what is the key specification that require for your product? e.g. operating temperature range? | [2007-11-22 10:34:08] |
[问:wawayu] | 美国国家半导体公司推出WEBENCH网上音频系统设计工具,这套新工具有助于简化音频放大器的设计流程,请问你们知道在哪个环节简化了设计了吗? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 网上设计主要分四步方便客户设计: 1.选器件:用户可以提出简单的条件,系统会给出一些器件供选择 2.建立设计:给出设计电路及元件参数,用户也可以简单的修改 3.设计分析:根据输入条件给出电路仿真,方便分析电路 4.成品制作:用户可以在网上定制设计产品。 | [2007-11-22 10:34:37] |
[问:Bob Wu] | 请问NS公司是如何降低音频放大器的失真度? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 我们国半音频运放的失真度主要是在IC设计的时候内部器件的匹配。在进行实际音频产品设计的时候需要考虑系统的总体失真度,除了需要考虑放大器本身的失真度的同时还需要考虑,外围器件引起的失真度。 | [2007-11-22 10:35:46] |
[问:gaotao] | 我能在相关电子工程杂志上已经看到了贵公司产品的介绍,我们现在在液晶电视上使用音频放大器,可是总是时序上控制不好,常常出现开机暴音的现象请问贵公司此产品有什么针对性地解决措施吗 | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Generally, it can be solved by some application technique or external circuitry, Also, need know the application or product requirement. N.S. have many good performance amplifer IC with pop and click suppression technique. | [2007-11-22 10:36:09] |
[问:dreamtofling] | 在很多音频功放中,普遍存在静态“哼”声,NS的输出级是如何解决这问题的? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 有两个方面可以解决静态哼声, (1)电源纹波抑制比较高,特别是针对50Hz,60Hz频率的纹波 (2)良好的PCB布局和布线,也能解决这一问题。 | [2007-11-22 10:37:51] |
[问:amy111] | 请问目前有没有可自适应滤波的音频放大器? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 请问您说的自适应滤波指的是什么? | [2007-11-22 10:38:24] |
[问:cuitzyh] | 请谈谈传统模拟功放于数字功放在保真度上有些什么区别? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 对CLASS A,保真度好. CLASS AB, 保真度较好. CLASS D 存在H桥的交越失真, | [2007-11-22 10:38:59] |
[问:scale_xie] | 如何抑制从放大器输出引入的电磁干扰(EMI)? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 负载应尽量靠近放大器的输出端,另外在输出端串联磁珠也是有效的解决方法。 | [2007-11-22 10:39:42] |
[问:scale_xie] | LM4702/ LM4562在低功耗方面是如何考虑的? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | LM4702 is a high voltage driver, so it give low current output, the power dissipation is very low. LM4562 is a op-amp. the power dissipation is also low in general usage. | [2007-11-22 10:39:58] |
[问:ldz84] | 在那里可以得到样片和DEMO板,供测试用。 | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 可以在NS网站上申请或采购。http://www.national.com/ | [2007-11-22 10:40:11] |
[问:ben_U] | 国半的双电源供电功放电路中,功放芯片的接地是直接接到电源地好呢,还是通过一个小电阻(比如1欧姆)接地好些?谢谢 | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 一般是直接接地的。 | [2007-11-22 10:40:19] |
[问:joiny] | 想问一下,这款芯片的价格是怎样的? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | You can get the reference price on our web page or contact our distributors for details. http://audio.national.com | [2007-11-22 10:41:22] |
[问:dreamtofling] | 桥接输出级如何进行匹配? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 桥接输出,喇叭两端直流是平衡的,交流信号反向. | [2007-11-22 10:41:57] |
[问:apenguin] | 在高保真度音频放大器系统设计中,对于运放的转换速率有什么要求?是不是运放的转换速率越高越好? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | It depends on the customers requirement. It will have different sound nature with different slew rate. A higher slew rate will give a more clear sound nature and better high frequency feeling on the sound. thanks. | [2007-11-22 10:41:58] |
[问:cuitzyh] | 请专家分别介绍下集成功放、三极管、场效应管做后级对音频的重现上的区别,因为,在发烧友的角度看来,三者的音色特征是有较大区别的。谢谢! | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Integrated solution is the way to help/guarantee the performance, for the discrete solution, customer require to match transistor in order to make sure the performance. For integrated solution, all transistor already matched internally. | [2007-11-22 10:42:02] |
[问:joiny] | 想知道这款芯片的应用领域和需要注意的方面 | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 请详细说明哪款芯片?谢谢 | [2007-11-22 10:42:46] |
[问:chenchangfeng-8] | 用开关电源来给LM4702供电,如果要得到最佳的功放输出参数,对电源的纹波,动态范围等有没有具体的要求 | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 当然是纹波越低越好,动态输出电流容量越大越好。具体要求要看设计指标。 | [2007-11-22 10:42:55] |
[问:guojun0718] | NS提供那些输出可达到300W的输出级?有相关型号吗? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | 输出达到300W,国半提供驱动级,目前有LM4702C(stereo), LM4702B(stereo), LME49710(mono). | [2007-11-22 10:43:00] |
[问:cwjfhq9600] | 怎样设计最简单的HI FI功放? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Op-amp + audio driver + output transistor is a very simple solution. Such as LME49720/LME49740 + LM4702 + output transistors. We have some reference circuit in data sheet. Please visit www.national.audio.com | [2007-11-22 10:45:23] |
[问:dreamtofling] | LM4702能驱动什么样的负载? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | LM4702是双通道的音频功放,每个通道可以对8ohm负载提供300W的功率。 | [2007-11-22 10:45:39] |
[问:cansar] | 我是一名在校大学生,我想问一下高保真音频放大是采用的哪类放大,它所带来的好处与不足有哪些 | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 应该选择AB类放大器,优点是失真小,缺点是效率低。 | [2007-11-22 10:47:12] |
[问:cwjfhq9600] | THD是否等同与音色或音质? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | THD will reflex the performance of the amplifier that can it reproduce the sound without any lost or distort. The sound nature can determine by many different parameters | [2007-11-22 10:48:01] |
[问:zyouren] | 请问此hifi放大器是针对便携系统,还是桌面系统? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 是桌面系统。 | [2007-11-22 10:48:16] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 各位观众,现在用户提问很踊跃,专家正在逐一回答。请耐心等待您问题的答案,同一问题请不要多次提交。 | [2007-11-22 10:49:14] |
[问:海林] | 请问你们这款音频放大器的最大输出功率是多少? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | It depends on your supply voltage and the output stage rating and the loading. | [2007-11-22 10:49:24] |
[问:ben_U] | 在音频放大器电路中,有哪些方面的措施,可以有效降低Clicks and Pops噪音? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Most of time click and pop are come from the positive & negative supply voltage ramp up time is not balance enough. Customer will add an turn on delay circuit. | [2007-11-22 10:51:06] |
[问:jameswangsynnex] | 该款产品方案应用在手机上多吗? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 目前还没有。针对手机产品,我们有非常多的更好更新的产品适用于手机,可到网站查询:http://www.national.com/appinfo/audio/ | [2007-11-22 10:51:44] |
[问:abc67_ok] | 主要通过提高什么因数来改善系统性能? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 提高THD,GBW,slew rate, PSRR等等,都可以提高系统性能。您可以根据具体要求,选择具体的方面来提高。 | [2007-11-22 10:52:16] |
[问:apenguin] | 请问:高保真度音频放大器的主要技术指标是哪些?谢谢 | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | low THD+N, high slew rate, low noise are important for high fidelity audio amplifier design. | [2007-11-22 10:55:36] |
[问:tianjiu] | 请问调整偏压的原则有哪些?增大偏置电流可减小交越失真,偏置电流多大算合适?三极管的放大倍数会随温度变化,如何取得折衷?谢谢! | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Higher bias volatge will get less crossover distortion. Can not say how much is suitable. we have suggested the heat compensation bias circuit also for the heat compensation for the transistors. | [2007-11-22 10:55:45] |
[问:xyongzjie] | 在手机中使用音频功放,经常性的会出现在通话时候有TDD noise的情况,如何避免和消除?有时用一个品牌的没有问题,换一个(pintopin兼容)品牌的,就有问题,这种情况如何处理? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Higher PSRR amplifier that can help, also some time the TDD can couple to device directly, in this situation, customer need a RF suppression device. NS do have some device have this feature, such as LM4928, LM4941 & LM4946, those device that have RF suppression. For the pin-to-pin part, difference vendor have difference PSRR performance. | [2007-11-22 10:55:45] |
[问:gaotao] | 我们在液晶电视上使用音频放大器,常因为时序问题出现暴音问题,请问贵产产品有什么良好应对措施吗 | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 我不清楚暴音是指什么. 如果这里暴音指破音,可调整芯片増益,输入信号幅度来改善. 暴音若是指开关机噪声,国半芯片很多都集成这种噪声的抑制电路.另外可调整BYPASS 电容,输入电容,以及开关时序改善. | [2007-11-22 10:55:50] |
[问:jianglei8025] | LM4702采用哪种封装? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | LM4702 provide TO-220 package. | [2007-11-22 10:56:42] |
[问:nixiuhui] | 音频放大器系统设计包不包括超声波40Khz 功放设计? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 没有针对超声波设计功放 | [2007-11-22 10:58:21] |
[问:LJB9] | 放大和失真控制方法 | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 一般来说放大的控制可以通过输入和反馈回路的器件的调整来实现。对于设计中的失真问题,首先需要选择失真度小的音频功放,我们国半可以提供低至0.00003%超低失真的产品,比如音频放大器LM4562, LME49710. 可以提供0.0003%失真度的功放LM4702B. 如果对于较高频和较高放大倍数的应用,还需要考虑压摆率等参数。 | [2007-11-22 10:59:12] |
[问:whhfdz] | 高频音频运放输入采用何种方式?单端还是差分,那种较好? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 差分输入更好 | [2007-11-22 10:59:32] |
[问:abc67_ok] | 高电压对功率放大的影响有多大? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Higher voltage swing that help to higher the Dynamic Range, which mean improving the sound quality. | [2007-11-22 10:59:39] |
[问:zhz-141] | 美国国家半导体高电压音频放大器驱动器价格如何?国内是否有销售? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | 敬请浏览美国国家半导体网页http://www.national.com/CHS 获取价格资信, 您亦可联络各大代理商http://www.national.com/CHS/contacts/Continent/0,1594,Asia,00.html, | [2007-11-22 11:00:21] |
[问:reuterking] | 对于一些特殊应用,比如放大驱动125kHz的信号,音频放大器的输出带宽是否可以满足?什么型号可以推荐? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 如果放大125KHZ信号, 放大器带宽要宽. LM4562(STEREO) GBP 56M, LME49710(MONO) GBP 56M, LME49740(QUAD) GBP 56M. | [2007-11-22 11:01:09] |
[问:whhfdz] | 300W音频功率输出级有那些保护功能?它的能耗和效率如何? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Have Thermal protection. Our driver"s dissipation gerenally low. And it is a class AB type. | [2007-11-22 11:01:20] |
[问:huamuzi12] | 请问专家,能否详细介绍音色控制包括那些内容?如何进行? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Sound quality it"s depend on the bias, higher bias rate can improve the THD, also components selection is the second point that will affect the sound quality, the third point is the layout, mainly focus on power & ground, most of time will using star ground to improve. | [2007-11-22 11:03:03] |
[问:chenty] | 有参考设计提供吗? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com/Reference_Designs/?this=m5 to get all the reference designs information. | [2007-11-22 11:03:29] |
[问:ldz84] | 假如需要更宽的输出频率范围,例如高端扩展到100KHz或更高,能否实现?如何实现? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 实际上我们的高性能的音频放大器的增益带宽都有50Mhz以上,扩展到100Kh或以上应该没有问题,只是要注意元件的选择,特别是输出级。 | [2007-11-22 11:03:43] |
[问:hua2195] | 演示中说,补偿电容和音色有关,能进一步详细说明吗? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 补偿电容可改变压摆率,从而改变音色. | [2007-11-22 11:04:01] |
[问:chenchangfeng-8] | LM4702的效率做到了多少 | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | LM4702 is a Class AB type voltage driver. The output current is low. The dissipation is generally low as well. | [2007-11-22 11:04:10] |
[问:apenguin] | 通常,为了提高整个音频通路的动态范围,前级电路需要采用正负电源来供电.那么,如果是用单电源供电的IC,NS 有什么好的建议? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | LME49721是一款单电源供电的IC,供电电压在+5V. 双电源供电的IC,也可以做单电源供电,只要供电范围在spec规定的范围内就可以。 | [2007-11-22 11:04:24] |
[问:chenchangfeng-8] | 国半的东西一直都很贵,LM4702的市场策略有是怎么样的呢 | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | LM4702 的价值在与它的高保真,高性能. | [2007-11-22 11:06:02] |
[问:june.zhu] | 高保真的音频放大器在供电电源的设计上需要注意哪些方面 | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 高性能的音频设计,首先需要为音频放大器提供比较干净且稳定的电源为其供电;另外,需要使用具有较高电源抑制比(PSRR)的放大器,其可以对电源部分的噪声进行较高的抑制。同时还需要注意线路的布线。 | [2007-11-22 11:07:09] |
[问:scale_xie] | 相对传统分立方案,有哪些优势? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 1)可减少高功率系统所需分立元件的数目 2)调试更容易:采用分立元件需要较长的调谐时间,以确保元件互相对准,调试功能有助于节省开发时间 3)可以精简人手编制,降低生产成本 4)电路设计极为简单,工程师无需花太多时间于线路布局的工作,而且印制电路板可以进一步缩小 | [2007-11-22 11:07:15] |
[问:jianglei8025] | 在驱动高负载时,会不会引入噪声,如何解决这个问题? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | It"s depend on what supply rating , bypass capacitors value, gain setting & layout. | [2007-11-22 11:07:27] |
[问:海林] | 请问这款芯片的发热量有多大,过热保护装置在温度达到多少度时开始动做进行保护 | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 具体参数可参见数据手册。当核温超过150度,LM4702会关断。 | [2007-11-22 11:08:36] |
[问:filthdx] | 怎样降低在手机音频设计中的TDMA noise 怎样选音频的滤波电容 | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Better layout that help to improve the TDMA performance, separate the high power & low power in layout. | [2007-11-22 11:08:45] |
[问:guojun0718] | 请专家解释压摆率和音色的关系.为了得到非常好的音色,如何控制压摆率? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | The sound nature is very subjective on audio. The high slew rate, the high frequency reproduce will be better. but sound may be harder. | [2007-11-22 11:09:01] |
[问:whhfdz] | 驱动级和输出级的匹配如何考虑? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 这需要考虑到系统负载所需要的驱动电流和电压,我们今天演讲材料中所讲到的Bias调整就是基于这方面的考虑。 | [2007-11-22 11:09:33] |
[问:seankey] | LM4702输出驱动电压不足以驱动某些场效应功率管,有什么更好的解决办法吗? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 很好的问题,国半很快就会推出相应产品,请关注国半最新产品信息. | [2007-11-22 11:10:07] |
[问:xzyang] | 请问高保真的音频放大器与市场上现有的放大器相比都有哪些优越的地方? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | We offer lowest THD+N Audio Operational Amplifier for high fidelity products. | [2007-11-22 11:10:13] |
[问:Cecil Chan] | 美国国家半导体运算放大器有什么优势 | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 在性能上极具优势。特别是在高保真的音频领域中。 具体表现在:低失真,极宽的带宽增益积,高的压摆率,高PSRR,等等。 这些参数保证了亮丽的声音以及高的稳定性。 | [2007-11-22 11:10:33] |
[问:scale_xie] | LM4562输出功率可驱动高达多少欧姆的负载? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | The LM4562 output current is around 40-50mA. It can drive different loading depends on the output power requirement. | [2007-11-22 11:12:49] |
[问:apenguin] | 在高保真度音频放大器系统设计中,哪种音调调节电路比较适合? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Using high Fidelity op-amp as a active filter. Please reference to LME49710, LME49720 or LME49740 data sheet. | [2007-11-22 11:12:52] |
[问:ben_U] | 大功率功放电路中,滤波电容的容量应该如何选取?谢谢 | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 1. 需要注意所选滤波电容的是能够提供足够的耐压能力 2. 需要具有比较低的等效串联阻抗,这可以提高系统的稳定性 3. 如果是信号部分的滤波电容,则需要保证其与周边的阻抗构成的滤波截止点不会对有用信号进行衰减 | [2007-11-22 11:13:11] |
[问:jianglei8025] | LM4562芯片和LM4702相比有哪些优势? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | LM4562是放大器,主要用于前级放大。LM4702是驱动器,主要是驱动末级三极管。 | [2007-11-22 11:13:27] |
[问:cyberxx] | 如何购买 | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Thank you for your interests in our products. Please contact our distributors in China - http://www.national.com./CHS/contacts/Details/China_map.html | [2007-11-22 11:14:00] |
[问:seankey] | LM4702和后级用同一组电源供电,会不会对动态等指标有什么不良影响? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | it"s depend on application, for those high power application, separate high & low power can improve the performance. | [2007-11-22 11:15:22] |
[问:cyberxx] | 如何避免干扰? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 要看哪方面的干扰。PCB的布局布线很重要,向本文介绍的评估板。 | [2007-11-22 11:15:51] |
[问:blbamboo] | 在输入级小信号音频放大器匹配设计中应注意哪些问题? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 选择输入阻抗较高,输出阻抗较低的放大器。这样对前级输入的小信号具有传输损耗小,动态范围大,抗干扰性能好,有利于输入与输出级的阻抗匹配 | [2007-11-22 11:16:06] |
[问:liguang169] | LM4702作为HI-FI放大器最适合采用哪种放大方式进行线路设计?A,AB,D?是否有典型应用图? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | LM4702 is class AB amplifier, you can find the reference design from our applicatin note, http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-1490.pdf#page=1, http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-1645.pdf#page=1 | [2007-11-22 11:16:37] |
[问:ben_U] | 采用集成了2个功放单元的芯片,能不能将2个单元并联使用,驱动更低阻抗? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 对于功放芯片本身来说是可以并联使用的,例如我们的LM4702,但是对于是否可以驱动更低阻抗还需要考虑到你的驱动级电路是否可以提供足够的电流。 | [2007-11-22 11:17:39] |
[问:lbook] | 和同类产品相比,NS的音频放大器在性价比上有什么优势? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Our High-Performance Audio Op Amp has below characteristics: Low total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) Very low voltage noise density (nV/rt Hz) High slew rate (V/μs) High gain-bandwidth product Sufficient output current to drive 600? to rated output voltage 600? for long cable drive 2 k? for consumer | [2007-11-22 11:18:13] |
[问:liguang169] | LM4702芯片其中LM4702C和LM4702B和LM4702A都是应用于哪些市场?对于便携式影音产品,应该采用哪种芯片? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | LM4702 family is designed for high fideltiy Audio Power Amplifier. Maximum Operating voltage is +/-100V. For portable AV products, you can find our products on web page. http://audio.national.com | [2007-11-22 11:18:51] |
[问:chenchangfeng-8] | 国半在深圳有没有技术支持,如果有在哪里,怎么联系 | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com./CHS/contacts/Details/0,1596,China_bycity,00.html#Shenzhen to find all our distributors in Shenzhen. You can also send email to our support center - ap.support@nsc.com | [2007-11-22 11:19:18] |
[问:blbamboo] | NS的300W音频功率放大器带宽有多宽?效率如何? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 对大信号一般给SLEW RATE, 小信号给带宽.这是因为测试标准的原因. LM4702输出是CLASS AB接进CLASS A,达到高保真度. | [2007-11-22 11:19:28] |
[问:bobwu] | 请问ns是如何避免失真 | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | Our unique design of Audio Amplifier provide low THD+N. | [2007-11-22 11:20:05] |
[问:zhengyingjun] | 和同类产品相比,价格如何? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please visit our website http://www.national.com/pf/master.html to get all the related information. | [2007-11-22 11:21:42] |
[问:seankey] | LM4780是并联输出好还是BTL输出好? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | It"s depend on what application, if customer higher output power in same supply voltage, BTL can help to achieve. But need 2pcs for stereo solution. | [2007-11-22 11:21:54] |
[问:海林] | 传统的设计电源都是用变压器,因电源产生的交流噪声较大,LM4702怎样来解决这种情况,用开关电源能否达到理想的效果,用哪那一种电源方案较为合理 | |
[答:Robert Shen] | LM4702有很好的电源噪声抑制,特别是低频噪声。如果是要制作高端音频产品,一定要用模拟电源,就是用变压器电源。 | [2007-11-22 11:22:37] |
[问:zhz-141] | 美国国家半导体全新的高保真度音频放大器系统在汽车上的应用前景如何?使用电压是否匹配? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 我们国半的高保真度音频放大器可以为大家提供高音质的全新感受。现在大家对汽车音响的要求也越来越高,我们的高保真音频产品会在汽车电子应用中得到更为广泛的引用。具体使用的电压,需要根据所驱动负载需要的驱动电压来进行匹配。 | [2007-11-22 11:22:44] |
[问:liguang169] | LM4702应用在高电流及功率的设计时,输出级应采用哪种配置方式? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | LM4702 是高电压小电流的驱动级, 输出级可以是达林顿对管或多组大功率晶体管. | [2007-11-22 11:23:10] |
[问:hmilyshahu] | 目前,多数音频放大器以D类放大器为核心,在具体设计中对于A类、AB类及D类放大器应如何取舍,选择? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | selection of amplifier classes will depends on system requirement. For Class AB amplifier will offer high fidelity performance, class D amplifier will offer high efficiency which cause less power consumption from power supply. | [2007-11-22 11:23:11] |
[问:zhengyingjun] | 有相关设计案例可以参考吗? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com/CHS/apnotes/appnotes_all_2.html to get all the reference designs information. | [2007-11-22 11:23:12] |
[问:huamuzi12] | D类放大器的音色一般比A/AB类的要差,NS的音色控制能改善到什么水平? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | D类放大器的效率比较高。改善D类的音效,NS主要从降低噪音的角度来提高性能。除了选择一个好的放大器,PCB的设计也非常重要。 | [2007-11-22 11:23:14] |
[问:apenguin] | 对于耳机放大器,需要有大的输出电流去驱动负载.请推荐NS相关的IC 型号. | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Depends on how many output current that need. generally LM4562, LMe49710.etc can driver H/P driver. National also will develop some higher output current operation-amplifier in following. | [2007-11-22 11:23:49] |
[问:hnzhengshasha] | 有中文资料下载吗? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please visit our Simplified Chinese version audio home page to get all the related information - http://www.national.com/CHS/appinfo/audio | [2007-11-22 11:24:02] |
[问:lbook] | NS是否也提供D类放大器?它的驱动能力有多大?能驱动的最小负载和提供最大的电流有多大? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 是的。NS有多种D类放大器,具体请到网站查询:http://www.national.com/appinfo/audio/ | [2007-11-22 11:24:10] |
[问:xujian2005] | NS的高效音频放大器在一个芯片内集成了前置放大器、音色及音量调整、缓冲器及多级线路驱动器等全部功能,这些器件间如何相互调整?在放大过程中,如何确保信号的失真情况? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | You have to calculate the THD+N budget on the complete signal path from input to output. In general, you can select low THD+N operational amplifier to allow multi-stages design with low THD+N. | [2007-11-22 11:25:36] |
[问:zhz-141] | 国家半导体全新的高保真度音频放大器系统在汽车上的应用可靠性怎样?抗振动性能如何? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 没有问题。已经有客户将LM4702用在车用音频产品。 | [2007-11-22 11:25:53] |
[问:xujian2005] | NS的音频功率放大器,通俗地讲就是以运放电路代替分立器件,实现性能的提升? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | LM4702 and LME49810 can replace discrete solution and enhance the performance of the Audio Power Amplifier stage. | [2007-11-22 11:26:57] |
[问:wangzixiang] | 请问专家, 音频功放的开机冲击声如何消除?最佳是在那一级来解决,驱动级或输出级? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 最有效的办法是加装喇叭延时保护电路,放在输出级比较好 | [2007-11-22 11:27:11] |
[问:ben_U] | 请问在设计中,输入耦合电容的耐压和材质如何选取? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Select Titanium type capacitors ? Smaller size, good stability, wide operating temperature range, long reliable operating life ? Keep higher stability in high gain range – Select the Capacitor values ? Ci, sets the gain DC to unity and also affects the low frequency response in relation to the value of Ri. ? Cn, is used to filter high frequency noise in input signal, typ 15p to 47p | [2007-11-22 11:27:40] |
[问:xxtaotao] | 河南有办事处吗? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | We don"t have office in Hunan. You can contact our distributors in China - http://www.national.com./CHS/contacts/Details/China_map.html to get more information about our products. | [2007-11-22 11:27:43] |
[问:ben_U] | 设计BTL功放时候,如何设计扬声器保护电路?NS是否有建议或参考设计? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | For example to detect any short circuit on the output or no any DC output to the speakers for protection. National had not provided this circuitry to customer. | [2007-11-22 11:29:00] |
[问:hua2195] | 300W音频功率放大器的散热性能如何? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 我们提供的大功率放大器自身一般会带有散热片,其已经可以提供足够的散热能力。一般为了考虑安全设计,在大功率的情况下很多设计者会使用较小的散热片,就完全可以满足设计要求了。 | [2007-11-22 11:29:05] |
[问:xujian2005] | 幻灯中提及的NS的特殊技术,实现了增益带宽等的出色性能?是否可以具体介绍下NS所采用的技术? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 这些技术源于国半多年模拟技术的积累和创新. | [2007-11-22 11:29:16] |
[问:wdefu] | 中南片区的技术服务联系方式可以告知吗? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please send email to our Technical Support Centre - http://www.national.com./CHS/appinfo/audio/support.html | [2007-11-22 11:29:17] |
[问:niuniuniu2020] | 对环境要求如何? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | Can you tell us more on your question? | [2007-11-22 11:29:21] |
[问:zhengfei] | 如果采用贵公司产品,有何种技术支持? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please contact our Technical Support Centre - http://www.national.com./CHS/appinfo/audio/support.html. | [2007-11-22 11:30:04] |
[问:ben_U] | LM4702B和LM4702C在听感(或者说音质、音色)上是否一致? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | They are totally the same. only different supply voltage range. LM4702C is from +/-20V to +/-75V LM4702B is from +/-20V to +/-100V | [2007-11-22 11:30:24] |
[问:wdefu] | 是否可以提供样片和开发参考方案? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com/pf/master.html to get your samples and click on http://www.national.com./CHS/apnotes/appnotes_all_2.html to get all the reference designs. | [2007-11-22 11:31:28] |
[问:liguang169] | 在设计D类放大器时,如何解决当放大器导通或断开时发出的咔嗒声? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | It"s depend on is the device have dead time control or not. | [2007-11-22 11:32:31] |
[问:zhengfei] | 国内有无技术支持电话? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please contact on Technical Support Centre - http://www.national.com/CHS/appinfo/audio/support.html | [2007-11-22 11:32:31] |
[问:hmilyshahu] | 采用高效的音频放大器,会对成本带来多大的影响? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 我们国半提供高性价比的产品,其可以在我们的主页上查询到。 | [2007-11-22 11:32:40] |
[问:niuniuniu2020] | 寿命怎么样? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please provide us more information for this question. | [2007-11-22 11:32:52] |
[问:wangzixiang] | NS的300W音频放大器如何解决电磁兼容问题? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 因为是AB类放大器,通常是不需要做EMI测试,D类的会有EMI的问题。但电源是有EMI的问题,由于只是评估产品,没有作严格的EMI测试 | [2007-11-22 11:33:36] |
[问:fchung] | 如何对音频放大器的EMI进行优化?分几步走? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com/AU/design/0,4706,0_71_,00.html to get all the related information. | [2007-11-22 11:33:49] |
[问:apenguin] | 在音频放大器的系统设计中,如何来选用运算放大器来满足整个系统的设计要求? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | To use some higher performance op-amp with low THD+N , low noise, higher PSRR etc to have a better maintainance on the overall performance of the system. | [2007-11-22 11:34:29] |
[问:xxtaotao] | 可靠性怎么样? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 可靠性需要考虑到系统的设计结构和负载大小,我们国半为设计者提供的音频产品均具有高可靠性的设计,比如发热和过载。基于安全设计,建议在设计中为所需设计提供足够的安全余量。 | [2007-11-22 11:36:31] |
[问:abc67_ok] | 高保真的具体含义是什么? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Have a higher ability to reproduce the original sound without any loss and distortion. | [2007-11-22 11:36:39] |
[问:hnxxzkx] | 贵公司在此种技术上处于业界领先地位吗? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Our High Performance Audio Op Amp has below characteristics: Low total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) Very low voltage noise density (nV/rt Hz) High slew rate (V/μs) High gain-bandwidth product Sufficient output current to drive 600? to rated output voltage 600? for long cable drive 2 k? for consumer | [2007-11-22 11:37:33] |
[问:hmilyshahu] | 目前对于音质的要求,越来越高是不是说高效的音频技术已广泛的应用在消费类电子等各个领域? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | yes, end user expect higher fidelity audio on consumer products. | [2007-11-22 11:37:56] |
[问:hnxxzkx] | 触摸技术如果得到大规模应用,需要多久? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 触摸技术与音频没有太大的关系。触摸屏已经广泛应用,建议您上网察看有关资料。 | [2007-11-22 11:38:28] |
[问:bobwu] | ns音频放大器pcb设计是如何提高信噪比 | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | please reference to our application note AN-1490. http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-1490.pdf | [2007-11-22 11:39:12] |
[问:xsj19810419] | 如何判断功率放大器的级间匹配问题? | |
[答:Payne Wang] | 级间匹配需要考虑功放驱动负载所需的驱动电流和电压,今天的演讲内容中我们详细讲述了,输出级与驱动级之间的Bias调整匹配方式。 | [2007-11-22 11:39:31] |
[问:bobwu] | LM4702 可以做成class A工作方式吗? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | LM4702 can be designed close to class A operation. | [2007-11-22 11:40:01] |
[问:wangzixiang] | 功率放大器的级间出现不匹配如阻抗和信号,会有什么问题?如何解决? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | It will affect the stability of the system and the sound reproduction performance of the system. Need to make sure on the devices/components current/voltage requirement and matching between different stages and the loading. | [2007-11-22 11:40:17] |
[问:bobwu] | 如何消除手机信号干扰音频功放电路? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 手机发出来的信号是高频信号,有一些方法可以改善 (1)对功放进行良好的屏蔽 (2)低通滤波器加在输入端口,或利用放大器反向输入作217Hz抑制 | [2007-11-22 11:40:45] |
[问:bobwu] | LM4702的价格是多少? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com/pf/master.html to get all the price issues or you can contact our distributors in China - http://www.national.com./CHS/contacts/Details/China_map.html | [2007-11-22 11:41:07] |
[问:zhengxm] | 什么时候有低电压的介绍?适用手持设备的 | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on http://www.national.com/CHS/AU/design/audio.html to get all the relevant information. | [2007-11-22 11:42:05] |
[问:szguosmcn] | cost estimation (unit cost/setup cost/development cost) | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | cost will depends on features and system requirement, you can get the reference price of our product on web page or distributors. | [2007-11-22 11:42:18] |
[问:merovingian] | 高保真音频放大器对电源的要求有那些?对去耦电容有什么要求? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 大的供电能力,高瞬态响应.对去耦电容无特别要求,建议用陶瓷电容. | [2007-11-22 11:43:09] |
[问:licki518] | LM4702能驱动多大的负载? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | LM4702的输出电流可以达到5mA | [2007-11-22 11:44:26] |
[问:LJB9] | 输出级的峰值限制电路设计的要求 | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | It depends on the supply voltage. must choose the higher/enough peak voltage rating to avoid damage on the output stage. | [2007-11-22 11:44:40] |
[问:xsj19810419] | 我的问题是关于放大器对温度敏感性方面的问题。如何对放大器的性能和稳定性进行补偿?可以采取什么辅助措施降低热消耗? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | In the LM4702 reference design, there have a Q1, this transistor is a temperature compensator.As Q1 is mounted into the heat sink as output devices, VBE will decrease as temperature increases, this reduces the current and results in reduction of bias voltage. | [2007-11-22 11:44:45] |
[问:bobwu] | NS一般能提供多少样片? | |
[答:Alice Hui] | Please click on - http://www.national.com/pf/master.html for all the sample order information. | [2007-11-22 11:44:55] |
[问:w.liu] | 国半有大功率的D类放大器产品吗? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 有中小功率(几瓦到几十瓦)的D类放大器,具体型号可以参考公司主页www.national.com 几百瓦的D类放大器,还没有。 | [2007-11-22 11:45:27] |
[问:licki518] | LM4562 用于前级放大时,保证不失真最大功率有多少? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | It"s depend on the supply voltage range. Maximum output current is 42mA. | [2007-11-22 11:46:42] |
[问:merovingian] | 该音频功率放大器系统的最大增益可达到多少? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | LM4702 要求最小增益26DB.谈最大对音频应用没有意义. | [2007-11-22 11:47:13] |
[问:yangge] | 如何调节压摆率? | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | slew rate adjustment by external capacitor (CC1) To satisfy different type of sound nature and feeling. Higher slew rate ? better high frequency reproduction but harder sound Lower slew rate ? normal high frequency reproduction but softer sound | [2007-11-22 11:47:59] |
[问:Lijing.Hao] | 工业控制中的音频范围信号需要无修饰(如杜比)、低相移、低失真地放大以供(弱信号)A/D转换或输出驱动控制部件(如直线电机)。请问有无相应产品支持该应用? | |
[答:Robert Shen] | 可以采用音频功率放大器。由客户用音频功率放大器直接驱动电机。D类放大器也可用于上述应用,取决于功率的要求及负载的类型。参见我公司音频产品http://www.national.com/appinfo/audio/ | [2007-11-22 11:49:09] |
[问:licki518] | 在外围电路处理中,为了保证高品质,需要注意哪些问题 | |
[答:Henry Kwok] | Layout, components selection, component placement. Please reference to AN-1490. http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-1490.pdf | [2007-11-22 11:49:22] |
[问:spirithello] | 请问,是不是输出级驱动的负载越大,输出摆幅就越小? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 要看芯片的驱动能力. | [2007-11-22 11:49:51] |
[问:liguang169] | 请问LM4562可以用在Beyond(U1和U2)吗? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Pls let me know which is U1 and U2.., thanks | [2007-11-22 11:49:56] |
[问:wdefu] | 有样片和参考方案提供吗? | |
[答:Jeff Wang] | 可以. | [2007-11-22 11:50:18] |
[问:wdefu] | 最佳的应用范围是哪个方面? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | Our High Performance Audio Amplifiers products, such as LM4562, LME49710, LME49720, LME49740, LM4702, LME49810 are suitable for high fidelity audio amplifiers (e.g. AV amplifier, high end CD player, DVD-audio player, phono amplifier, professional mixer, home theater...etc) | [2007-11-22 11:50:20] |
[问:Lijing.Hao] | 国半的音频驱动器工作温度范围是多少? | |
[答:Bruce Sun] | 一般都是在-40到+85,具体型号请参见具体的datasheet. | [2007-11-22 11:50:20] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 由于时间关系,本次中电网“在线座谈”马上就要结束了。虽然各位听众(网友)已与美国国家半导体公司的专家讨论了许多问题,但是还有许多提问没有来得及进行交流。本次在线座谈结束后,中电网将请美国国家半导体公司的专家继续答复所有的来自各位听众(网友)的提问,然后整理上载到中电网网站上,以便大家查阅。 | [2007-11-22 11:52:08] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 在此,中电网特别感谢给予本次中电网在线座谈巨大支持的美国国家半导体公司,特别感谢专门在线回答各位听众(网友)提问的美国国家半导体公司的各位专家们,特别感谢各位听众(网友)积极热情的参与。 | [2007-11-22 11:52:24] |
[主持人:ChinaECNet] | 祝大家事业有成、生活愉快!欢迎多提宝贵意见,欢迎关注中电网,下次再见。 | [2007-11-22 11:52:32] |
[问:seankey] | LM4702 85dB的分离度是否满足HIFI的要求? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | LM4702 can satisfy the HI FI requirement. | [2007-11-22 11:53:05] |
[问:bobwu] | 很多功放生产厂生产的功放都有不同的音色,NS的设计是否有考虑这方面的问题? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | National want to increase and provide higher slew rate for better high frequency reproduction. Lower noise also will give a clear sound during small signal input. Lower THD+N to ensure lower distortion on reproduction the sound. | [2007-11-22 11:53:19] |
[问:zhangwq] | 最小失真度是多少? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | lowest THD+N of LM4562 is 0.00003% | [2007-11-22 11:53:52] |
[问:yangge] | 该音频功率放大器的保护措施有哪些? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | Thermal protection for our IC itself. For the system protection, customer need to add and design externally themselves. | [2007-11-22 11:54:27] |
[问:fchung] | LM4702B音频功放的静音模式是关闭末级输出,还是关闭前级驱动?有什么好处? | |
[答:Kenneth Lee] | It will turn off both front stage and the output stage. It can reduce current during muting mode. | [2007-11-22 12:00:08] |
[问:zhangwq] | 如何使用最小的电压来正常工作? | |
[答:Jasper Lam] | For power supply typical customer should have 5-10% margin to guarantee the perfomance. | [2007-11-22 12:02:10] |
美国国家半导体致力开发各种高能源效率的模拟及混合信号半导体产品。该公司的PowerWise®系列产品旨在降低系统功耗,延长电池寿命,以及减少散热需求。美国国家半导体总部位于美国加州圣塔克拉拉(Santa Clara),截至2008年5月25日为止的2008年财政年度的营业额达18.9亿美元。欲查询美国国家半导体的公司资料及产品信息,欢迎浏览该公司的网页,网址:www.national.com。